Monday, July 20, 2009

Shout! On Friday Night

last friday bermula begini....
i need time and i need stay away from all the drama, so i decided to go to the Shout Awards 2009.. at 3pm daku suda bersiap sedia with my full outfit n hair.. wahh dh ala2 artis lak pkai siap2 kannn... hahaha.. so at 4pm sharp im on my away to the Putra stadium.. i take lrt to get there.. haiyoo dh hot2 nek train!! *sedeyh!* huhu.. i get there at 4.30pm so so laa... sebaik sja smp d lrt bukit jalil,,,, haaa hamek ko!!! so many people!!! dh mcm sardin vs. cendol.. then tgu laa permaisuri farah disana.. dh laa panas, haus lak tuuu... tak dpt ku bygkn!! suddenly, daku ternampak kelibat hantu laki yg mempunyai rambot yg cntek... sape lg kalo bkn Mr. Zakiyyy... dia bersama rakan2 yg lain.. lama tidak berjumpa dia.. pastu lpk2 laa... then at 7 its time for him to go in... but not me.. im stil waiting for the princess to come... so the red carpet starts at 6.30.. sambil2 menunggu bole laa tgk2 spe yg melaam kan... haha..

beginilah keadaannya......
Red Carpet
the first car yg smp adalah the fly fm's morning crew!!! phabes, ben n nadia... phabes dh mcm hip hop star, ben just simple n nadiaaaa vavavooom... chantekk ko!! haha.. then limo yg membawa jien and marion caunter tiba... morion terbaik sgt!!! sexay!!! then the arrival parade followed by Upin n Ipin, Joe Flizzow, Bunkface, Shila, Shafinaz n Paul Moss, Nikki, Adflin Shauki, Caprice, Fara Fauzana, Fazura, Sazzy Falak n Yasmin Hani and the cast of Ghost and Kami.. tetibe ternampak kelibat Ash lak.. so say hye lah sama dia... then 7.20 bru laaa pincess tiba di hadapan pintu C istana putra bukit jalil... bopoloh dh denn... then get inside....

banyakkkk nye og2 sdg bersila diatas lantai stadium... ish2.. ank2 sapo laa nihhh... baik jerr.. xyh soh dh duduk dh... hahaha.. so me, my sis farah, ulee and my sista's lil bro join mereka2 bersila... lg sejam bru acara bermula... at 8 adela brefing utk shouting n claping.. then at 8.45pm waktu malaysia bahagian semananjung bermula lah satu acara jerit menjerit yg diberi nama, SHOUT AWARDS 2009!!!

mcm ni laa keadaannya.. meriahhh!!!
Main Show
i got the best view and the best spot.. ouhh yeahhh i shaking hands with many with so many cleberities.. bkn itu saja.. malah begambar lg uolss... haha.. some photos i didn't post yet because time tgh syok snap pic, batt kong... huaaa!!! sedeyhhh aku!!! then the pefomance i've been waiting for, the tribute of MJ and of course the perfomance by Sean Kingston.. goshhh he soooooo big... dh mcm king kong... scary!! the suda habis berhuha kami pown berangkat pulang at 1am!! b4 tuh makan2 dlu... have dinner yer not supper... hahah.. im having nasi goreng daging at SS.. yummy!! at 1.40am bruuu laaa smp rmh... haihhh... very very tired lahhh... so tu laa the best ever award show in malaysia so far!!! can't wait for the 2010 shout awards!! i wont miss it!!

so later i'll update more of the photos ya...

ouh btw just to make sumone dengki...
Miss Fazura... hehee ;pp


mel. said...

wahh gituwlah ko kan?!
ciss haha.

akhirnye bercomeback jugak ko after lame x g award2 ni.


Rio Baskoro said...

dh setahun since MAA08...

athirah said...

ko mmg...bkn nk ajk aku..
g ske g sorg2...

rio mmg jht..hahhaha....
tp jht2..
aku syg kat ko..

nti jgn lpe ajk aku tau klu ada apa2..
leh aku wt gler jap kat situ..

Rio Baskoro said...

insyaallah kalo ade ag...

I'm Back! said...

Really cool. hi friends,if anyone want to Download American Idol Episodes just click here...